Start learning Linux OS By Cisco Networking Academy free

Start learning Linux OS By Cisco Networking Academy free with Certificate

The skills taught in this course are applicable to a wide range of careers including networking, software development and Linux administration. 

Get Certified Cisco Networking


Graduates walk away with a clear understanding of whether Linux is for them or not, without having to commit to more than 8 total hours of self-paced learning.
To ensure you don’t get stuck, you’ll be guided step-by-step through a series of hands-on virtual machine activities. The course aligns well with the Linux exam objectives found on the CompTIA A+ Certification. After this course, we suggest taking either NDG Linux Essentials or NDG Linux 

Click Here to Enroll and  start your course free of cost and get Certificate by Cisco
Length Icon 
8 hours
Cost Icon 
Level Icon
Level: Beginning
Learning type icon
Learning Type: Online self-paced


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